18781-18800 / 20449 件-
現地法人責任者候補 (499771)
- USD 2,500 - 3,000(JPY401,000 - 482,000)
- ベトナム ホーチミン
- 小売業界(高級商材/ファッション/アパレル/生活用品/家電 他)
【業務内容】 まずは、ベトナムの事業を現在の責任者と一緒に担当頂きます。(40代の女性) その後、ベトナムでの多業態の展開、他国での新ビジネスの責任者などをお任せする予定です。 ・拠点経営、管理、数値の報告 ・新規出店に関するマーケティング、分析 ・値段、出店の交渉 【募集条件/必須】 ・拠点や支店の経営経験(飲食にこだわらない)、数字が読める。 ・交渉の経験がある方。 ・英語力(今後他国への展開も可能性があるため。) 【募集条件/歓迎】 ・東南アジアでの仕事経験。(長く働いてもらいたいため)
語学力 日本語レベル:母国語と同様; 求人ID:JO-150529-023274 -
- USD 1,500 - 2,000(JPY241,000 - 321,000)
- ベトナム ハノイ
- インターネット業界(IT/ソフトウェア/ハードウェア/モバイル/通信 他)
語学力 英語レベル:日常会話;日本語レベル:母国語と同様; 求人ID:JO-151021-064316 -
Project Management Executive
- HKD 15,000 - 20,000(JPY308,000 - 411,000)
- 香港 九龍側
- メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)
Our client, a leading electronics accessories manufacturer and exporter in Hong Kong, is looking for a high caliber candidate to cope with their expansion of business.
Project Management Executive
Job Responsibilities:
•In responsible on product development and maintain good relationship with customers;
•Co-ordinate the sample development and mass production between Purchasing, Production, Packaging and QC Department;
•Participate in the material sourcing for the development of new products;
•Provide technical advices and supports to all work partners before and during bulk production;
•Communicate and elaborate technical specifications requirements to internal teams and/or contractors;
•Liaise with customers, factory and related parties to ensure a project to be completed within a specific time frame and meet the project requirements;
•Responsible for project follow up from project development to production stage including engineering and manufacturing processes
•Travelling to and working in Dongguan from time to time is required
Job Requirement:
•Diploma or above; experience working for a manufacturer is a must;
•At least 3 years' relevant experience in Product Development and Project Management;
•Experience in Product Design an advantage;
•Well-organized, mature, highly responsible and independent;
•Planning and problem-solving mentality and skills, good communication skills;
•Good command of written and spoken English, Cantonese and Mandarin;
•Proficient in Microsoft Office is a must (Word, Excel and Outlook);
•Proficiency on graphic software including Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.;
•Willing to travel to Dongguan factory;
•Immediate available preferred
Interest parties please email hongkongmnc@rgf-hragent.asia
All information received will be kept in strict confidential and only for recruitment purpose.
語学力 英語レベル:ビジネス会話;中国語(普通話)レベル:ビジネス会話; 求人ID:JO-151002-063184 -
Senior Sales Executive / Sales Executive
- HKD 12,000 - 15,000(JPY246,000 - 308,000)
- 香港 九龍側
- 商社・運輸・貿易業界
A leading electronics accessories manufacturer and exporter in Hong Kong, this company has Hong Kong and manufacturing facilities in Dongguan, mainland China and provides a wide range of electronics and computer accessories. Their clients in North America, Japan, Europe and Asia have been using their products for more than 10 years. The company is looking for motivated sales executives:
Job Responsibilities:•Identify new markets and business opportunities;•Visit potential customers for new business;•Provide customers with quotations, sales presentation, product introduction and product development coordination;•Represent company at trade exhibitions, events and demonstrations•Develop and maintain good customer relationships;•Gather market and customer information and provide feedback on buying trends•Project Management & order following up for new or relatively small scale customersJob Requirements:•F.7 or above with at least 3 years of relevant experience in marketing & sales positions in accessories for electronic devices•Preferably possesses a strong client network•Merchandisers/buyers from well-established trading firms will also be considered•Experience in servicing major accounts, international clients is definitely a plus•Strong selling and marketing skills; Good presentation skills for sales meetings•Responsible, hardworking with positive spirit and strong team work•Excellent communication, social and interpersonal skills•Good command in both English and Mandarin•Willing to travel to Dongguan factory•Candidates will be considered for Senior Sales Executive or Sales Executive according to experience and qualifications.All information received will be kept in strict confidential and only for recruitment purpose.語学力 英語レベル:ビジネス会話;中国語(普通話)レベル:ビジネス会話; 求人ID:JO-150715-038572 -
- USD 2,300 - 1,500(JPY369,000 - 241,000)
- インドネシア ジャカルタ
- サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)
取材業務 他
語学力 英語レベル:日常会話;日本語レベル:母国語と同様; 求人ID:JO-151219-068136 -
- INR 1,880,000 - 1,950,000(JPY3,622,000 - 3,757,000)
- インド ムンバイ
- サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)
業務内容 ●お客様と日本語での電話対応 ●お客様より受信するすべての日本語メールの英訳作業 ●サービスをご利用するお客様のご要望すべてを正確に把握し、社内でのコミュニケーションを円滑に図れるように配慮する ●サービスの過程についてお客様に説明する ●お客様が満足のいくサービスの提供を心がける ●長期的な観点からお客様との関係を構築し、定着率をあげることを目標にする ご年齢 24~35歳 給与 30,000 USD/年以上
求人ID:JO-150703-037026 -
- THB 60,000 - 80,000(JPY262,000 - 349,000)
- タイ バンコク
- ヘルスケア業界(医療/診察/ライフサイエンス 他)
★車いすメーカーで営業職(ASEAN域内)募集★ JO-1505-616989 ◇タイを拠点に、ASEAN地域への進出業務全般に携わることができます ◇2年連続でグッドデザイン賞を受賞 ◇2年後に、日本採用(駐在)としての雇用も可能です 【職務概要】 ASEAN全域への新規営業(海外進出)業務全般を行って頂きます ・タイ以外のASEAN地域への新規販売経路拡大提案 ※ターゲットは、ローカル企業(病院、医療施設、ドラッグストア等)への委託販売 ・市場調査・販促活動・展示会への出店等、タイ発で海外への進出に関わる全ての業務 ※主要取扱い製品は「車いす」となります ・将来的には、ASEAN地域で現地法人を増やし、マーケットを拡大 【応募条件】 <必須> ・社会人経験、最低3年以上(営業)※業種不問 ・車いすを持って運べる方(営業時、持って運ぶため) ・英語ビジネスレベル <尚可> ・日本、タイ以外での営業経験 ・介護用品の営業経験 ・車いすの営業経験 【給与】 60,000 - 80,000THB
語学力 英語レベル:ビジネス会話;日本語レベル:母国語と同様; 求人ID:JO-150530-026523 -
- USD 1,500 - 1,800(JPY241,000 - 289,000)
- ベトナム ホーチミン
- メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)
○建築業務のサポート(施工管理者の業務補助)全般に 従事して頂きます。
・書類作成(word,Excel,power point)
・来客対応 等
・建築学科卒業or 建築設計の実務経験がある方
・word,Excel,power pointのスキル
語学力 英語レベル:ビジネス会話; 求人ID:JO-150709-037968 -
- USD 1,500 - 4,000(JPY241,000 - 643,000)
- ベトナム ホーチミン
- メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)
ポジション 技術職(建築施工監理) 採用人数:3名 採用理由 事業拡大に向けた増員募集。日本品質での技術提供をできる方を求めています。 仕事内容 上司:Director日本人 業務内容: l 建築施工監理 ・ベトナム人施工管理スタッフのマネジメント。品質管理・安全管理・納期管理・コスト管理・人員管理・技術管理など、多方面にわたるマネジメントをお任せします。(オフィス・工場・ビル・商業施設など) ※オフィスワークではなく、複数の現場へ向かうことが多々ございます 勤務地:ご希望に沿います ホーチミンorハノイ ※ご経験・能力によっては現地雇用から日本本社雇用への切り替えもございます(40代まで) 求められる スキル・経験 [必須スキル/経験] l 英語 / 日常会話(ベトナム人スタッフとのコミュニケーションに必要) l 建築施工管理または施工監理経験者 採用スケジュール 面接官:日本人マネージャー、日本人Director 面接回数:1~2回 面接開始時期:いつでも可 勤務開始時期:ASAP 語学力 英語レベル:日常会話;日本語レベル:母国語と同様; 求人ID:JO-150529-023051 -
- USD 2,000 - 2,000(JPY321,000 - 321,000)
- インドネシア ジャカルタ
- メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)
語学力 日本語レベル:母国語と同様; 求人ID:JO-150701-028091 -
- USD 2,000 - 3,000(JPY321,000 - 482,000)
- インドネシア ジャカルタ
- サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)
語学力 日本語レベル:母国語と同様; 求人ID:JO-150626-027974 -
- USD 3,000 - 5,000(JPY482,000 - 803,000)
- インドネシア ジャカルタ
- サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)
語学力 英語レベル:日常会話;日本語レベル:母国語と同様; 求人ID:JO-150616-027461 -
- USD 3,000 - 2,500(JPY482,000 - 401,000)
- インドネシア ジャカルタ
- メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)
【職種】営業 【仕事内容】 ・新規顧客開拓 ・マーケティング、営業戦略策定業務 ・顧客先でのプレゼンテーション業務 【要件】 3年以上の電子部品、自動車業界等で営業経験をお持ちの方 ビジネスレベル以上の英語力をお持ちの方
語学力 英語レベル:ビジネス会話;日本語レベル:母国語と同様; 求人ID:JO-150417-011848 -
Shop Sales
- HKD 13,000 - 16,000(JPY267,000 - 329,000)
- 香港 九龍側
- 小売業界(高級商材/ファッション/アパレル/生活用品/家電 他)
Our client, a famous Japanese retail is now looking for several shop sales -
Job Description:
- Handle day-to-day operation activities in our retail shops.
- Provide sales support and excellent service to customer.
- Answer inquiries from customers on products, services, changes, etc.
- Diploma or above
- Energetic, team player and service oriented.
- Fluent English, Cantonese & Mandarin, Japanese speaking would be an advantage
- Interested in Japan culture .
- Retail sales experience preferred.
Interest parties please send full resume in MS Word/PDF format in English to hongkong@rgf-hragent.asia All information received will be kept in strict confidential and only for recruitment purpose.
語学力 英語レベル:ビジネス会話;中国語(普通話)レベル:ビジネス会話;日本語レベル:日常会話; 求人ID:JO-151027-064536 -
Japanese Speaking Personal Assistant
- HKD 28,000 - 30,000(JPY576,000 - 617,000)
- 香港 香港島側
- 金融業界(資産運用/銀行/保険/不動産 他)
Our client, a Japanese investment firm with consultancy and management service is now looking for the following candidate - Responsibilities:
- Translate and interpret for CEO during meetings
- Coordinate and attend social events and dinners
- Schedule appointments as well as coordinate travel
- Provide full range of professional secretarial, administrative and family support to the CEO
- University graduate
- Native Japanese with fluent English and Mandarin
- Flexible and willing to travel
- Must be presentable and polished
- Immediate available is highly preferred
- Stable, well organized, detail-minded, self-motivated and able to work independently
All information received will be kept in strict confidential and only for recruitment purpose.語学力 英語レベル:ビジネス会話;中国語(普通話)レベル:ビジネス会話;日本語レベル:流暢; 求人ID:JO-151028-064585 -
Japanese Speaking PR & Marketing Associe
- HKD 22,000 - 28,000(JPY452,000 - 576,000)
- 香港 九龍側
- 小売業界(高級商材/ファッション/アパレル/生活用品/家電 他)
Our client, a Japanese Retail & Company, is now seeking for a high caliber individual to join them - Job Description:
- In charge of PR, developing and managing relationships with PR firms
- Planning and implementing integrated marketing strategies to achieve business objectives
- Monitor promotion performance with quality deliverables
- Manage the online communication channels
- Assist with Store development, Merchandising control and Sales Staff Training
- Sales & Marketing planning and execution
- Maintain an excellent relationship with the client and develop new business opportunity
- Support the Japanese Director in translation and interpretation job
- Good command of both spoken and written Japanese; Native in Cantonese
- Bachelor degree holder
- Min. 3 years working experience
- Independent, good communication skills
- Good command of PC skills
- Candidate with more experience will also be considered as Assistant Manager
語学力 英語レベル:ビジネス会話;中国語(普通話)レベル:ビジネス会話;日本語レベル:ビジネス会話; 求人ID:JO-150811-058183 -
Internal Audit Officer / Senior
- HKD 18,000 - 28,000(JPY370,000 - 576,000)
- 香港 九龍側
- 小売業界(高級商材/ファッション/アパレル/生活用品/家電 他)
Our client, a famous Japanese retail chain is now looking for the following candidate -
- Assist the Internal Audit Manager to assess the Company risk and develop annual audit plan and work schedule based on risk assessment results and/or other ad-hoc management requests.
- Plan and conduct financial, operational and compliance audit assignments.
- Liaise with other parties for the efficient completion of audit assignments in accordance with the designated audit plan.
- Identify control weaknesses and formulate recommendations for improvement.
- Prepare internal audit reports with detailed findings and practical recommendations to strengthen the overall control of the Company and perform follow-up and monitoring works to ensure successful and timely implementation
- Degree holder in Finance / Accounting or related discipline.
- Member of recognized professional accounting bodies (ACCA/CPA/CIA).
- Minimum 4 years solid experience in audit firm with 2 years of internal audit experience.
- Audit exposure in the fields of retailing and manufacturing would be a plus.
- Member of a recognized professional accounting body would be an advantage.
- Good command of written and spoken English, Chinese and Mandarin.
- A responsible and independent key team player, detail oriented and able to work under pressure.
- Good time management, analytical, communication, interpersonal and presentation skills.
- Immediately available preferred, but negotiable.
- Occasional short-term business travels within Asia are likely.
- Candidate with more experience would be considered as Assistant Manager - Internal Audit.
All information received will be kept in strict confidential and only for recruitment purpose.語学力 英語レベル:ビジネス会話;中国語(普通話)レベル:ビジネス会話; 求人ID:JO-151130-066272 -
- USD 2,500 - 4,000(JPY401,000 - 643,000)
- ベトナム その他
- メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)
語学力 英語レベル:日常会話;日本語レベル:母国語と同様; 求人ID:JO-151027-064563 -
Regional Sales & Marketing Manager
- HKD 30,000 - 45,000(JPY617,000 - 925,000)
- 香港 九龍側
- 小売業界(高級商材/ファッション/アパレル/生活用品/家電 他)
This European brand’s products can be found in homes, offices, cars and even your accessories. Made of innovative material, these products aim at creating a more comfortable world for consumers. The brand, first established in 1998, has made its footprints in different parts of the world including China. They are now seeking FMCG sales professionals specialized in luxury, health and lifestyle products to drive promotion in China and Hong Kong.
Regional Sales and Marketing Manager
Job Responsibilities:
•Formulates and executes sales and marketing strategies across all platforms (Retail, Wholesale & E-commerce). Prepares and completes action plans; identifies trends; determines system improvements and implements change. Upholds customer-service standards, resolves problems and completes audits;
•Meets marketing and sales financial objectives by forecasting requirements; prepares an annual budget and schedules expenditures.
•Determines annual and gross-profit plans by forecasting and developing annual sales quotas for regions; projects expected sales volume and profit for existing and new products; analyzes trends and results; establishes pricing strategies; recommends selling prices; monitors costs, competition, supply, and demand.
•Accomplishes marketing and sales objectives by planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating advertising, merchandising, and trade promotion programs; developing field sales action plans.
•Develops new sales channels and key accounts with dealers and wholesalers. Identifying locations and business partners for new shops opening and working with other international brands for further growth.
Desired qualities:
- University degree
- 10 years’ good sales and marketing track record in China and Hong Kong market, preferably gained from good brands in bedding, home textile, furniture, or products contributing to health and wellness
- A motivator and a leader to the sales and marketing team
- Familiar with shop opening. Networks with wholesalers as well as high-end department stores and shopping malls are desired.
- Thinks out-of-box in promoting innovative products and introducing them to new sales channels
- Fluent spoken and written English and Mandarin
- Can base in China or Hong Kong
語学力 英語レベル:流暢;中国語(普通話)レベル:ビジネス会話; 求人ID:JO-151207-067398 -
- VND 1,800 - 1,800(JPY - )
- ベトナム ハノイ
- サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)
■営業先は主に日系企業。 法人で必要な輸出入において弊社のサービスを使って頂ける様提案して頂きます。
■既存客対応がメイン、10~20社を担当して頂きます。 また、新たな進出企業が有れば新規営業をして頂きます
語学力 英語レベル:ビジネス会話;日本語レベル:母国語と同様; 求人ID:JO-151023-064420