RGF Singapore has won “The Best Executive Search Company of the Year 2015”


RGF Singapore, wholly-owned group company of Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd.

has received 2 awards at Recruitment International Asia (RI).

We have won “The Best Executive Search Company of the Year 2015”,

and “The Human Resources Recruitment Company of the Year 2015" 

for two consecutive years.


The RI Award ceremony was held in Singapore on 28th Aug this year.

This award is chosen by 12 professionals who were chosen for their expertise 

and knowledge of the recruitment sectors.

We were honored to receive these awards at the same time 

in competitive Singapore recruitment industry.


RGF supports global and local recruitment needs with the most extensive network in Asia.

We will continue to polish our services to act as the bridge 

to link our clients and the job seekers in the world.


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