1-20 / 265 件-
- INR 200,000 - 300,000(JPY369,000 - 553,000)
- インド バンガロール
- メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)
<Job Responsibilities> ・商業製品に関する専門知識の活用 ・コマーシャルマーケット、営業戦略、および提供するソリューションの深い理解 ・製品ごとの販売戦略およびソリューションの開発 ・製品開発とソリューション向けパートナーシップの強化および協力体制の構築 ・社内の各部門(製品設計開発、品質保証、財務、RTO)との連携および調整 ・競争状況の分析および新規制への迅速な対応 ※入社してから3カ月間はOJTをもとに業務を学んでいただき、その後各種業務に取り組んでいただきます。 <Necessary Skill / Experience > ・年齢、国籍問わず幅広い方と円滑且つ良好に関係構築ができる方 ・ビジネスレベルの英語力 ・機電業界(自動車業界だと歓迎)における市場分析のご経験をお持ちの方 ・インドで中期的にご活躍いただける方 ・各関係部門をまたがった業務経験をお持ちの方 <Preferable Skill / Experience> ・インドでの就業経験をお持ちの方
求人ID:SDG-115198 -
- INR 200,000 - 420,000(JPY369,000 - 774,000)
- インド チェンナイ
- メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)
<Job responsibility> ・同社のインドでの新規ビジネスである樹脂領域にて、韓国系企業向け営業の責任者として従事いただきます。 <具体的には> 同社の営業(韓国系企業向け)として、営業活動業務を行っていただきます。 ・営業としての予算作成や見積もり作成 ・既存顧客(主に韓国系完成車メーカー/サプライヤー等)向けの定期訪問、ニーズのヒヤリング、提案営業。 ・顧客キーパーソン(主に購買部門)との関係構築 ・拠点運営のサポート業務、及びマネジメントへの営業活動状況と顧客状況の整理と報告 ・日本本社との連絡調整 ・物流部門サポート ■売り先管理、物流状況の進捗管理、その他インド人マネジメント、レポートラインへの報告等 <Necessary Skill / Experience > ・自動車部品または樹脂製品の営業経験を目安5年以上お持ちの方 ・ビジネスレベルの英語力をお持ちの方 ・韓国語ビジネスレベル以上の方 ・チームワークを大事にしながら職務を遂行できる方 <Preferable Skill / Experience> ・自動車業界でのご経験をお持ちの方 ・インド他海外での就業経験をお持ちの方
求人ID:SDG-113753 -
- INR 140,000 - 210,000(JPY258,000 - 387,000)
- インド デリー
- サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)
【業務内容】 ◆募集背景 2001年よりインドにて活動を開始し、徐々にクライアントを増やしてきました。近年は日系クライアントの増加に伴い、バンガロールオフィスも開設。ジャパンデスクを拡大してビジネスをさらに拡大していくための募集になります。 ◆業務内容 大きく分けて3つのお仕事を実施していただきます。 ●顧客とのコミニケーション →既存の顧客からの問い合わせ対応や、新規のお客様への自社のサービスの説明、現在の企業課題のヒアリングなど、企業様とコミニケーションを取っていただき、その中で企業様の課題を抽出していく業務になります。 ●ネットワーキング 日本人コミュニティー(大使館でのイベント・JICAのイベントなど)に参加をして、将来の顧客になりそうな方々とのコネクションをつくったり、実際に新規の企業や同業他社を訪問して、過去取引がなかった企業とのコネクションを作り、ビジネスを拡大していくお仕事になります。 ●コーディネーション →企業様の質問の中には、専門知識がないとすぐには答えられないこともございます。そのようなときに社内の専門家に相談をしたり、専門家の日程を確認して一緒に訪問をしたりするような場合もございます。その中の調整業務をになっていただきます。 ●トランスレーション →顧客がレポートを作成する際に英語と日本語を駆使してお手伝いしていただくこともあります。また、顧客のトップ層と密になって仕事を進めていただきます。 ◆入社後のイメージ →入社直後に関しては、既存の顧客訪問とトレーニングを並行して進めていく流れになります。ケーススタディーを中心としたトレーニングを行い、顧客が主にどの課題に困っている場合が多いのかという理解を深めていただきます。入社直後に関しては、インド人スタッフと同行もしくは一人でいって課題のみヒアリングをし、その後はインド人の専門家をつなぐという業務が中心になります。 その後半年ほどして業務に慣れてくれば、徐々にサービスの説明など、自分でできる業務の範囲を増やしていっていただきます。営業の新規と既存の割合としては、新規70%、既存30%ぐらいの比率になり、新規の取引先の獲得がメインのミッションとなります。 また、現在バンガロール・アーメダバードの拠点も拡大しており、週1回程度の出張が発生する可能性がございます。 ◆求める人物像 →インドでの就業はいろいろな例外や予期せぬハプニングが発生します。そのような中でもフレキシブルに対応してくれる方を募集しています。また、新規の顧客を獲得していくということがミッションになりますので、新しい方と会ってコミニケーションを取っていくことが苦にならない方であれば、ご活躍いただけると思います。 <必須条件> ・社会人経験5年以上、英語を使用した実務経験3年以上 ・クライアントと信頼関係を構築できるコミュニケーション能力 ・インド人社員とのコミュニケーションおよび業務資料の翻訳が問題なく行なえる程度の英語力 <あれば望ましい条件> ・営業や接客などの顧客折衝のご経験をお持ちの方(1年以上) ・インドまたは海外でのご就業経験のある方 ・デジタル技術やツールを活用した業務プロセス改善経験者 ・会計もしくは税務関連経験2年以上、簿記検定取得者、会計学部学位をお持ちの方
求人ID:SDG-68238 -
Sales Executive/ Sales Engineer
- SGD 4,000 - 4,500(JPY462,000 - 520,000)
- シンガポール ノース
- メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)
Our Client: Our client is an established Manufacturing company, headquartered in Japan. They are currently looking for an energetic Sales Executive/ Sales Engineer to join their growing team in Singapore. The Responsibilities: • Maintain organized sales records and report month-end goal-setting to the senior management team • Support management by completing orders and keeping customers informed of delays and delivery dates • Coordinating the sales team by managing schedules, filing important documents, and communicating relevant information • Ensuring the adequacy of sales-related equipment or material • Responding to complaints from customers and giving after-sales support when requested • Handle the processing of all orders with accuracy and timeliness • Establish the planning process for the company by converting the Sales forecast into a feasible manufacturing plan • Oversee preparation and timely release of raw materials to production to meet production orders. Track usage of raw materials to production • Prepare monthly reports on the performance of production and highlight issues and bottlenecks that may potentially impact the achievement of the production schedule and customer satisfaction • Performs time studies to determine how long certain tasks take • Preparation of various monthly reports for Management (Sale & Purchase Invoice Summary, Sales & Sales Profit Report, Sale by Segment Sale Report, Unit Price Calculation, Bi-yearly Sales Budget Report, etc.) • Ad hoc duties as assigned by management The Requirements: • 2 - 5 years of sales/sales engineer experience in a manufacturing field • Ability to adapt in the fast-paced working environment • A team leader & player • Able to travel, usually to Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, and Shanghai • Able to converse in Mandarin to communicate with the native Chinese speakers from China • Able to speak Japanese will be an added advantage as you will need to liaise with native Japanese speakers from Japan HQ as well RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 114170
求人ID:SDG-114170 -
Assistant Manager, Core Product Marketing
- SGD 7,500 - 8,500(JPY868,000 - 983,000)
- シンガポール シティ
- メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)
Our Client: Our client is one of the top Japanese companies, specialising in Automation Solutions for the various industries. They are currently looking for an experienced Assistant Manager, Core Product Marketing to join their growing team in Singapore. The Responsibilities: [Product] • Plan, develop and implement of product portfolio strategies with company goals • Responsible for the product performance by revenue, GP% • Manage the entire Product Lifecycle management of the products • Collaborate with respective business unit and marketing teams to ensure that customer needs/values are incorporated into product design, branding, and marketing approaches as Voice of Customers (VOC). • Schedule and facilitate new and existing product training sessions. • Analyse and report the product malfunctions as feedback on quality improvement [Price] • Manage the product pricing thru market competition review and positioning thru analysis of pricing matched with market expectations to determine the ideal target price for products of the business. [Promotion] • Responsible for defining the release process and coordinating all of the activities required to bring the product to market • Develop marketing strategies to grow quality inspection applications in Automotive, F&C, Semicon, Electronics and Medical industries and increase sensor products market share with channel partners. • Develop tools and marketing collaterals with Marcom team to support sales activities • Support Solution Marketing activities with Application Marketing members to develop sales tools incorporating Vision and Sensor products. [Place] • Plan go-to-market strategies in alignment with Country Sales (in APAC region) demand. • Manage for product availability based on the customer's demand and our company’s needs [Competitor] • Monitor and update competitor activities to Global Product BU and Sales • Develop strategies and plans or tools to convert competitor market share. [Sales Goal] • Responsible for regional sales budget of vision and sensor products and supporting total regional sales budget The Requirements: • Degree / Diploma in Engineering or relevant discipline. • At least 7 years of experience in Product Marketing Management in a regional role (Asia Pacific) • Experienced in strategic planning • Comprehensive understanding of Product (Sensor, Vision) & Market Trends • Prior experience in Industrial Automation industry is a bonus. RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 115147
求人ID:SDG-115147 -
Sales Accounts Executive
- SGD 5,000 - 6,000(JPY578,000 - 694,000)
- シンガポール シティ
- 多角事業経営企業
Our Client: Our client is a well-established Japanese company, which specialised in Machinery/ Energy/ Food and other General Products trades. They are currently looking for an experienced Sales Accounts Executive to join their growing team in Singapore. Proficiency in Japanese language is essential to effectively communicate with Japanese Native Stakeholders and Customers The Responsibilities: • In charge of the sales of Pulp & Hygiene Materials • Research and keep up with the market, including the Japanese cliental • Maintain good relationship with existing customers, negotiation with new customers, based department and HQ's strategy • Manage sales process and collect payment on time to prevent overdue together with sales assistant • Prepare monthly sales report and forecast of the following month's sales volume The Requirements: • Excellent oral and written communication and presentation skills in English and Japanese due to the need to liaise with native Japanese speaking clients • 5 years of experience in international trading experience, especially pulp & Hygiene Materials • Negotiation and selling skills • Problem-solving and analytical skills RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 115048
求人ID:SDG-115048 -
Logistics Director
- SGD 10,800 - 13,000(JPY1,250,000 - 1,504,000)
- シンガポール シティ
- メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)
Our Client: Our client is a well-established manufacturer and distributor for Industrial components for Automation Technology, headquartered in Japan. They are currently looking for an experienced Logistics Director to join their growing team in Singapore. The Responsibilities: Strategic: • Responsible for business operation projects to enhance operational effectiveness in area of Quality, Cost and Time • Responsible for inventory distribution project by analysing and strategizing distribution trends and determines effective Logistics inventory turnover • Accountable to liaise, plan and work with HQ on global operation projects and executing them to optimise overall operations • Responsible to work with HQ on projects to implement new targeted system for Logistics (Warehouse Management System) and Customer Service (Ordering System) • Responsible for achieving KPI and reporting monthly results to HQ after projects implementation • Responsible to assist Managing Director to develop future strategic projects for SEA Operations aligned with overall SEA business plan Logistic Operations: • Plan and coordinate resources for daily inbound / outbound warehouse operation • Manage both the warehouse and shipping operation to ensure efficient and timely operation of the distribution • Maintain customer service and safety work environment • Ensure shelving storage management • Manage inventory accuracy through monitoring of daily warehouse activities, cycle counts, stock takes and audit of same to verify results • Promote continuous improvement by adopting production system concept such as Kaizen, Genchi Genbutsu and etc to develop and implement warehouse operation process/workflow to optimize efficiently • Responsible for control of costs, budget and vendors including negotiate rates • Monitor and analyze operation KPIs and submit daily/weekly/monthly reports. • Recruit and train of warehouse and shipping personnel The Requirements: • At least Bachelor Degree in Business or Economics or a related field • Experience in Logistics and Customer Service field, with 10 years working experience with at least 3 years at a Director level; preferrable in Automation/Metal Fabrication business fields • Experience in operational improvement projects in the areas of QCT, or quality, cost, and time • Strong project management skills including planning, organising and coordinating tasks • Strong leadership and excellent communication skills • Great skillset in Strategic planning and business development will be advantage RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 114572
求人ID:SDG-114572 -
General Manager
- SGD 8,000 - 12,000(JPY925,000 - 1,388,000)
- シンガポール ウエスト
- メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)
Our Client: Our client is one of the leading Japanese companies in the Optical and Image-processing technologies Industry. They are currently looking for a General Manager to lead their growing team in Singapore. The Responsibilities: Leadership and Strategy: • Provide visionary leadership to the executive team and entire organization. • Develop and implement comprehensive business strategies to achieve company goals and objectives. • Drive organizational growth, expansion, and profitability. Financial Management: • Oversee the financial health of the company, including budgeting, forecasting, and financial reporting. • Make strategic financial decisions to ensure the long-term success of the organization. • Identify and pursue opportunities for cost optimization and revenue generation. Operational Excellence: • Ensure operational efficiency and effectiveness across all departments. • Collaborate with department heads to streamline processes and enhance overall organizational performance. • Implement best practices to improve productivity and customer satisfaction. Stakeholder Relations: • Build and maintain strong relationships with key stakeholders, including clients, partners, and investors. • Represent the company in external engagements, conferences, and industry events. • Foster a positive corporate image and reputation. Team Management: • Recruit, mentor, and lead a high-performing executive team. • Foster a positive and inclusive work culture that aligns with the company's values. • Provide guidance and support to ensure the professional development of team members. The Requirements: • Bachelor’s degree in [relevant field]; MBA or equivalent preferred. • Proven experience as a Managing Director or in a similar executive leadership role. • Strong background in industrial related business as a manufacturer or trading company. • Demonstrated success in strategic planning and execution. • Excellent financial management skills. • Exceptional leadership and interpersonal abilities. • Effective communication and negotiation skills. RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 114743
求人ID:SDG-114743 -
IT Sales Executive
- SGD 5,000 - 6,000(JPY578,000 - 694,000)
- シンガポール シティ
- メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)
Our Client: Our client is one of the growing IT companies, specialising in on-site Digital Transformation. Their Singapore office is currently looking for an IT Sales Executive. The Responsibilities: • Sale of products (Hardware / Software) to construction /energy plant etc • Liaise with Hongkong and Shenzhen office • Visit to the construction site to check the products • Troubleshooting of products The Requirements: • Proficiency in Japanese and Chinese language is preferred to effectively communicate with native Japanese and Chinese Stakeholders and Customers • More than 3 years of Hardware sales experience • Sales experience of IT construction sales is required • Knowledge of grants relative safety products is preferred • Motivated and able to work independently RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 113482
求人ID:SDG-113482 -
Business Analyst (PMO) - Data Analysis
- SGD 8,000 - 10,500(JPY925,000 - 1,215,000)
- シンガポール シティ
- インターネット業界(IT/ソフトウェア/ハードウェア/モバイル/通信 他)
Our Client: Our client is a prominent Japanese IT Consulting company. They are looking for a Senior Consultant, IT PMO Support to join their Singapore Office. Proficiency in Japanese language is essential to effectively communicate with Japanese Native Stakeholders and Customers The Responsibilities: -Lead and manage the overall project, including coordinating team members and stakeholders. -Develop and maintain project plans, schedules, and resource allocations. -Understand user processes and business strategies to gather and define business requirements. -Collaborate with stakeholders to discuss, plan, and optimize both system solutions and user operation processes. -Support users during UAT (User Acceptance Testing) by creating test scenarios, managing the testing process, and handling change management. -Listen to and address client issues and concerns to strengthen the business relationship and resolve potential risks. -Provide continuous support to enhance client satisfaction and business opportunities. The Requirements: -At least 5 years of experience in IT Service Management (ITSM), covering all phases (e.g., ITIL). -At least 5 years of experience in business requirements gathering and definition. -At least 5 years of experience working in the banking industry with a strong understanding of products like deposits, loans, remittances, trade, and treasury. -At least 1 year of data analysis experience. -Project management experience, including documentation and report creation in tools like PowerPoint, Excel, and Word. -Strong documentation and communication skills in a project management context. -Systematic knowledge of IT Service Management (ITSM) and ITIL best practices. -Good communication skills in Chinese and Japanese language (in order to liaise with native Chinese and Japanese speaking stakeholders and clients). -Excellent team communication and client management skills. -Ability to engage and communicate effectively with clients in both business and technical contexts. RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 113433
求人ID:SDG-113433 -
Chef De Partie / Sous Chef
- SGD 3,200 - 4,000(JPY370,000 - 462,000)
- シンガポール シティ
- 小売業界(高級商材/ファッション/アパレル/生活用品/家電 他)
Our Client: Our client is one of Singapore's highly sought-after restaurants serving authentic Italian cuisine. They are actively looking to hire Junior Sous Chef & Sous Chef to join their fast-growing team in Singapore. The Responsibilities: • Set up and handle all stations in the kitchen in daily operations • Ensure freshness of ingredients • Check and prepare sufficient mise-en-place before meal period • Cook food items accurately to standard recipes • Plate food items according to standard presentation style • Assist in creating and preparing menu items and daily specials • Monitor the quality and quantity of food prepared • Assist other kitchen staff as need arises • Supervise performance of kitchen staff to ensure proper activity • Ensure that required standards are adhered to in the production and preparation of food – in quality, quantity, and safety • Ensure all complaints, inquiries, and suggestions by customers are attended to accordingly • Promote good team spirit regularly • Report the need for maintenance to appropriate staff The Requirements: • Equipped with Food Hygiene Certification with at least 3 years of relevant experience in F&B • Have a passion for food: someone who enjoys the process of food preparation and creating menus • A keen sense of Business acumen: someone who is efficient and cost-effective • Effective communication skills • Ability to work with figures and manage budget • Ability to cope under stressful conditions • Strong leadership skills • Given the nature of the business, an experience in Italian cuisine is advantageous • Able to nicely make both pizza and pasta dishes RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 110629
求人ID:SDG-110629 -
Project Engineer
- SGD 4,000 - 5,500(JPY462,000 - 636,000)
- シンガポール シティ
- 商社・運輸・貿易業界
・プロジェクト管理 ・弊社を代表して現場エンジニアとして現場プロジェクトに参加および監督 ・一般的なエンジニアリング業務のサポートと顧客との関係構築 ・ベルトコンベアなどの物流システムの販売 ・船舶関連用品の取引および購買や販売 ・プロジェクトの進捗報告 ・倉庫の在庫予測と出荷予測 ・倉庫の在庫管理およびコントロール ・プロジェクトの引き渡し時や必要に応じて残業対応が可能 ・その他付随業務 Our Client: Our client is one of the top Japanese companies, specialising in energy, logistics and machinery services. They are actively looking to hire a Project Engineer to join their fast-growing team in Singapore. The Responsibilities: • Project management. • Attend and oversee site project(s) as the main site engineer representing our company. • General engineering operation supports and establishes relationships with clients. • Sales of logistics systems like belt conveyors and other logistic systems. • Trading and purchasing ship store items etc. • Supply of materials handling equipment/ ship chandelling supplies to the customer. • On-site troubleshooting with clients’ sites and dealing with customer feedback. • Commute to PSA port for shipping documentation submission. • Update management frequently on project(s) development. • Submit weekly report(s) in-parallel with ongoing project(s). • Forecast logistics shipment on stock projection. • Warehouse inventory control and management. • Other ad-hoc duties when required by management. ・プロジェクト運営経験 ・業務を効率的に管理できること ・チームプレーヤーであり、あらゆる業務に積極的に取り組むことができる方 ・機械、物流、または海運業界での経験があると尚可 ・クラス3マニュアル運転免許を所持 ・フォークリフト免許(所持していない場合は会社がフォークリフト免許取得コースを支援) ・フォークリフトおよびリフティングの取り扱い経験 ・現場プロジェクトの監督経験 ・WSHE(労働安全衛生環境)に関する規則・規制の知識 ・現場技術運営に関する知識 ・日本語ビジネスレベル、N2以上(業務上必要なため) The Requirements: • Possess good communication level of Japanese language ability (JLPT N2 and above) to liaise with our headquarters in Japan and our Japan clients. • Experience in project operation skills. • Attentive and meticulous to details. • Ability to multi-task, prioritize, and manage time effectively. • Positive and willing-to-learn attitude. • Ability to manage stress in a fast-paced shipping environment and commit overtime when rushing for project(s) handover or when required. • Equipped with a Class 3 manual driving license is essential. RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 110510
求人ID:SDG-110510 -
- IDR 50,000,000 - 60,000,000(JPY485,000 - 582,000)
- インドネシア ジャカルタ
- メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)
【職務概要】 ローカル建物所有者向けに営業活動を行うお仕事です 【職務詳細】 ◆各建物所有者向けの新規営業活動 ◆インドネシア人スタッフのマネジメント ◆現地責任者、海外部門統括責任者へのレポート ◆その他事業付随業務 【必須スキル】 ◆不動産関連業界で営業経験をお持ちの方 ◆業務上コミュニケーションが可能なインドネシア語力をお持ちの方 【歓迎スキル】 ◆現地財閥企業とコネクションをお持ちの方
求人ID:SDG-109119 -
専門サービス会社 日系顧客営業(番号163734)
- CNY 25,000 - 40,000(JPY537,000 - 860,000)
- 中国 上海
- サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)
【職務詳細】 ■インサイドセールスが商談化した案件に対し、自社サービスの提案・交渉・導入に向けたの新規営業活動 ■潜在顧客への直接の商談機会創出 ■様々な領域のお客様、それぞれが持つ課題や需要を広く聴取し、仮説を持ちながら自社サービスの解決提案を行う ■顧客毎の営業活動状況や営業数字見込み、活動分析を迅速かつ正確に行い ■営業活動に留まらずマーケティング・インサイドセールス・カスタマーサクセス・商品開発チームと連携し、成功事例の横展開や新市場開拓・市場創造を加速させる企画の立案・実行 【魅力】 ★多くの挑戦に出会える環境だと考えています! ★価値を拡大化する仕組みやきっかけ作りができる! ★新たな市場開拓やプロダクト開発に関わることができる! ★ 自由な働き方やフェアな評価制度の中で自分らしくキャリアデザインできる! ★PC支給、ロングバケーション制度あり! 【必須条件】 ■大卒 ■英語はビジネスレベル ■無形業界での営業経験あり ■3年以上 法人向け営業経験あり 【求める人物像】 ■当社のmissionと7つのvalueに実体験を元に共感できる方 ■自主性を持って事業拡大に達成出来る方 ★20代半ば~30代後半の方が活躍中! ※キーワード:中国日系企業就職 中国勤務 リクルート中国就職支援 無料斡旋サービス 無形業界営業
求人ID:DG-163734 -
物流会社 営業 (番号161030)
- CNY 20,000 - 30,000(JPY430,000 - 645,000)
- 中国 深セン
- 小売業界(高級商材/ファッション/アパレル/生活用品/家電 他)
【会社概要】 税関長の認定を受け、税関手続きの緩和・簡素化策を得る「AEO制度」の中で物流事業者向けの「特定保税承認者」「認定通関業者」「特定保税運送者」の3制度すべての制度を取得しており、国際競争力を強化させる大きな強みとなっています。 現在は様々な国・地域・都市に拠点を設けており、国際物流ネットワークの拡充と体制整備を進めるとともに、グローバルな物流サービスの提供を通じてサステナブルな社会システムの構築に貢献します。 【職務詳細】 ■既存顧客の関係維持 ■新規開拓業務 ■目標達成に向けての営業活動 ■価格相談対応、適切なソリューションを提供 ■費用請求と回収 ■情報収集とデータ分析、定期的にレポートする ■その他指示された業務 【魅力】 ★物流経験のスキルアップができる! ★グローバルに活躍できる! ★働きやすい環境で高い安定性! 【必須条件】 ■大卒以上 ■中国語は一般会話レベル ■英語は準ビジネスレベル ■商社貿易関連部門、国際物流業界経験者 ■営業経験あり 【求める人物像】 ■国際貿易関連政策の知見がある方 ■国際物流のオペレーションを熟知された方 ■国内外の出張も厭わず出来る方 ★20代半ば~40代の方が活躍中! ※キーワード:中国日系企業就職 中国勤務 リクルート中国就職支援 無料斡旋サービス 物流 国際貿易 営業
求人ID:DG-161030 -
Medical Representative, Specialty Care
- SGD 4,000 - 5,000(JPY462,000 - 578,000)
- シンガポール シティ
- ヘルスケア業界(医療/診察/ライフサイエンス 他)
Our client is a well-established Pharmaceutical company, headquartered in Japan. They are currently looking for a Medical Representative, Specialty Care to join their growing team in Singapore. The Responsibilities: • Take personal sales responsibility for a specifically defined territory, targeting cardiologists, nephrologists, endocrinologists, and potentially oncologists and neurologists, with a focus on hospital accounts. • Ensure the achievement of, or exceed, sales targets within the specified period. • Perform market analysis, evaluate competitor activities, and provide regular feedback and updates to management on a monthly basis. • Strategize and align business plans while planning and executing sales and marketing activities within the defined territory. • Ensure that adverse event (AE) reports from the market are appropriately documented and communicated to the designated pharmacovigilance (PV) manager in a timely manner. The Requirements: • Bachelor's degree in Science who have a passion for sales • At least one year of pharmaceutical sales experience is preferred • Experience in the Cardiology and Nephrology therapeutic areas is an advantage for this position. • Experience in private hospitals, MOH settings will be an added advantage. • A proven track record of engaging key stakeholders in complex clinical environments • Demonstrated success in influencing stakeholder decision-making processes and creating value in ecosystems with multiple influential players or decision-makers. RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 114937
求人ID:SDG-114937 -
HR cum Admin Executive
- SGD 3,800 - 4,200(JPY439,000 - 486,000)
- シンガポール シティ
- メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)
Our Client: Our Client is one of the top Japanese companies in the Retail industry. They are looking for an HR cum Admin Executive to join their Singapore Office. The Responsibilities: • Responsible for all aspects of HR including recruitment, employee benefits, performance management, training, and payroll • Ability to build and effectively manage interpersonal relationships at all levels • Develop and monitor overall HR strategies, systems, policies, and procedures across the organization • Ensure compliance with statutory reporting and filing requirements such as CPF, IRAS, MOM, NS and other government related claims and management of work pass etc • Manage other HR projects and programs as required, including employee events such as annual team building, staff dinner, etc • Develop, review, and manage performance appraisals • Ensure compliance with all local labour laws and best practices and be familiar with processes related to authorities to ensure the company always does the right thing at the right time • Oversee the overall operations of the office, manage company licenses and qualifications • Responsible for the procurement and management of all office supplies, pantry supplies, assets, inventory and maintenance and repair of office equipment • Support key executives with travel management such as air tickets, car rentals, housing rentals, etc • Process simple accounts - ensure payments, amounts and records are correct. Record and file petty cash transactions. Invoice processing and filing • Manage contract, price negotiations and service performance with office vendors and service providers • Monitor due dates for renewal, termination of contracts and other follow-up actions • Facilities, leasing and landlord management, including feedback on general property management and coordination between all parties • Oversee other logistical matters such as transportation, telecommunications, mail/courier services, conference accommodations, off-site storage, and asset management The Requirements: • At least 3 years of experience in HR and admin • Experience in retail industry preferred • Comprehensive HR knowledge, especially practical experience in employee relations, recruitment, performance management and employee development • Experience working in Japanese companies preferred • Self-motivated with the ability to deliver under pressure and without constant oversight • Resilient, adaptable and comfortable with change RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 113415
求人ID:SDG-113415 -
Sales Executive (Japan market)
- SGD 6,000 - 8,000(JPY694,000 - 925,000)
- シンガポール ウエスト
- メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)
Our Client: Our client is a well-established Japan company, specialising in Industrial equipment and solutions. Their Singapore office is looking for a Sales Executive, Japanese speaking to smoothly and effectively communicate and present to Japanese Native Stakeholders and Customers The Responsibilities: • Maintaining existing sales accounts • Follow up with new customers for potential sales • Plan sales visits • Proposed and follow up on sales lead, sales orders and deliveries • Providing support to customer enquiries in technical information gathering • Provide good after sales service to customers • Liaise with HQ and factory in Japan The Requirements: • Japanese speaking to smoothly and effectively communicate and present to Japanese Native Stakeholders and Customers • Degree preferably in Mechanical / Mechatronic / Electrical Engineering/Industrial Automation • At least 1-2 years in mechanical/electrical components or related experience in sales • Good written and oral communication, including formal • Results driven and self-motivated for new challenges RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 113620
求人ID:SDG-113620 -
Account Specialist
- SGD 5,000 - 6,000(JPY578,000 - 694,000)
- シンガポール シティ
- サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)
Our Client: Our client is a well-established BPO firm. They are currently looking for an Account Specialist to join their growing team in Singapore. Proficiency in Japanese language is essential to effectively communicate with Japanese Native Stakeholders and Customers The Responsibilities: • Contact new and existing clients (Agencies or Advertisers) via telephone, chat and email; identifying sales opportunities and providing the best solution for their business goal. • Improve client’s experience by driving optimal and appropriate product adoption. Manage a portfolio (book of clients) of clients with responsibility for growing revenue. • Provide pre and post-sales assistance for all applicable products. • Become an expert on client’s Advertising solutions and ability to identify trends and solve problems. • Provide vital product insights, feedback and revenue trends, from their own experience using the Products and sharing the feedback from the Advertisers. • Champion and produce success stories for advertisers who have had success in growing their business by using the products. Use a variety of tools to be able to properly communicate and drive Advertiser’s business to success. • Perform any other ad-hoc duties assigned The Requirements: • Proficiency in Japanese language is essential to effectively communicate with Japanese Native Stakeholders and Customers • Business development, sales account management or consultative selling experience is a plus • Knowledge of the digital marketing industry will be a plus • Self-starter who can meet deadlines and enjoys working in a competitive inside sales environment • Proactive mindset with regards to identifying issues and opportunities as well as communication with clients • Highly motivated and goal-oriented • Creative decision-making skills and proven ability to work independently • Strong attention to detail and follow-up skills RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 114802
求人ID:SDG-114802 -
Manager Accountant
- SGD 7,000 - 15,000(JPY810,000 - 1,736,000)
- シンガポール シティ
- サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)
・会計税務コンサルティング業務 ・設立事務、記帳代行、給与計算等 ・各種申告書作成業務(法人税、GST、所得税など) ・長期の顧客との信頼関係構築 ・公認会計士もしくは USCPA をお持ちの方 ・会計事務所もしくは税理士事務所での実務経験をお持ちの方 ・チームワークを大切にできる方 ・海外就業経験がある方、もしくは海外事務所とお仕事をした経験がある方歓迎 ・英語ビジネスレベル(業務上必要なため) RGF Privacy Policy - https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. EA Licence No. 10C2978