海外アジア 製造・品質管理・設計・生産管理・研究開発の英語を活かせる新着求人


1-20 / 21 件
  • Technician

    • SGD 2,600 - 3,000
    • シンガポール シティ
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    Our Client: ・Our client is a Japanese firm specializing in Kitchen Equipment. They are currently seeking an experienced Technician to join their team in Singapore. The Responsibilities: ・Repairing and servicing of chillers, freezers, and all kitchen equipments ・To provide evening support to visit clients after their business hours (e.g. once a week around 10:00 PM, the next day's working hours will be adjusted) ・Manage multiple priorities The Requirements: ・Possession of Class 3 driving licence is a must ・Proficient in English to communicate effectively with English-speaking clients and colleagues ・Able to work independently and have equivalent working experience and to work with positive attitude and have responsibilities towards work commitment ・Interpersonal communication skills ・Proven experience as a technician or relevant role is advantageous ・To have basic electrical knowledge RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep.

  • Senior Engineer

    • SGD 5,000 - 6,000
    • シンガポール ウエスト
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    Our Client: Our client is one of the Japanese global leaders in the Engineering industry, specialising in M&E Construction projects. They are currently looking for an experienced Trader/ Trade Manager to join their growing team in Singapore. The Responsibilities: • Perform technical calculations required for selecting equipment such as fans. • Review technical calculation documents provided by manufacturers and clients. • Conduct pre-consultations with manufacturers regarding equipment manufacturing drawings and provide instructions for their creation. • Verify that equipment manufacturing drawings comply with contract specifications. • Instruct BIM operators on drawing creation. • Check drawings created by BIM operators for accuracy and compliance. • Monitor the delivery schedule of materials to the site, manage ordering deadlines, check lead times, and follow up with suppliers. • Track construction progress and propose and implement improvement plans in case of delays. • Prepare construction procedure manuals. • Provide instructions and conduct checks for the preparation of equipment delivery plans and other related documents. The Requirements: • Bachelor’s degree in mechanical, electrical, or civil engineering, or a related field. • Minimum of 3–5 years of experience in HVAC system construction • Proficiency in reading and interpreting technical drawings and manufacturing documents. • Hands-on experience with BIM software (e.g., Revit, AutoCAD) and the ability to guide BIM operators. • Strong understanding of project management, including material procurement, scheduling, and supplier coordination. • Excellent problem-solving skills to identify construction delays and implement effective solutions. • Ability to create and verify construction procedure manuals and equipment delivery plans. • Good communication skills to collaborate with manufacturers, clients, and internal teams. • High attention to detail and the ability to ensure compliance with contractual specifications. RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 116158

  • 生産技術アドバイザー

    • INR 160,000 - 250,000
    • インド ハリヤナ
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    <全従業員数:2000人> 同社の生産テクニカルアドバイザーとして生産プロセスに関わる立ち上げ・改善活動に従事していただきます。 具体的には下記業務を担っていただくことになります。 <業務内容> - 新製品開発のためのチームを管理・指導 - 製造用の治具およびその他の設備の開発、監視 - 重要な問題解決のための損害保険会社との調整 - RFQ、新規事業検討 - 能力検討、工場拡張、設備増設 - 原価計算の見直し、原価の最適化、原価低減プロジェクト - 新規プロジェクトの投資承認、NPV試算 - 新規RFQのフィージビリティスタディのためのチームの指導と助言 - プロセス設計のスキルアップのためにPEメンバーを指導する <必須条件> ・生産技術部門で就業経験をお持ちの方 ・金属製品の加工工程に関わった経験をお持ちの方 ・日常会話レベル以上の英語力をお持ちの方 ・長期(2年以上)働くことのできる方 <望ましい条件> ・ビジネスレベルの英語力をお持ちの方 ・自動車業界にて就業経験をお持ちの方 ・海外での就業経験をお持ちの方

  • 品質管理マネージャー

    • INR 300,000 - 400,000
    • インド チェンナイ
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    同社での品質管理/保証マネージャーとして、インド人マネジャーと共にマネジメントを行っていただきます。 <チームメンバー:部下約10名(全インド人)> ・品質管理: 製品の品質を確保するための品質管理体制の構築や品質向上活動を行います。品質問題の解決や改善策の実施も重要な役割です。 ・品質保証: 製品の企画段階から原料の選別、生産、出荷、販売、さらにはアフターサービスまで携わり、多岐に渡る仕事を担当いただきます。 ・安全管理: 労働安全や衛生管理の向上を図り、事故防止対策や安全基準の遵守を推進します。 ・業務改善: 生産プロセスの改善や効率化を進め、生産性の向上を図ります。 ・コミュニケーション: インド人責任者や他部署との調整や連携を図り、円滑な工場運営を支援します。 【必須要件】 ・製造業にて品質管理・品質保証としての経験 ・海外での管理業務経験・ローカルマネジメント経験 ・英語力(ビジネスレベル)、現地社員とのコミュニケーション能力 【歓迎要件】 ・インド現地での管理業務経験(優遇) ・インド現地での品質管理・品質保証分野でのマネジメント経験(優遇)

  • 設備施工管理

    • INR 280,000 - 420,000
    • インド バンガロール
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    【業務内容】 主に日系顧客向けに生産施設、工場、倉庫や事務所棟の建築工事施工管理、設備管理、プロジェクトマネジメントを担当していただきます。現場に常駐し、お客様の建物全般に関わるさまざまなご要望に対応していただきます。 (1)大型現場の機械設備・電気設備工事の常駐工事管理 (2)大型現場を巡回し、ローカル設備担当とともに現場の品質・安全・工程の状況を確認し、是正指示 (3)各種検査の立会、是正状況のフォローアップ (4)客先への窓口対応(日系の客先が多い) (5)既存部分の保全点検、不具合対応(当社施工の場合) (6)上記の状況をつぶさに拠点へ報告 (7)設備設計図の読み込み、施工図作図のスケジュールフォローアップと図面チェック、建築図との整合確認 (8)機器発注業務、スケジュールのフォローアップ (9)設備設計者からの指示事項の現場への伝達とフォロー (10)工事の見積り補佐 (11)協力業者(日系が多い)との連絡調整 (12)ローカルスタッフから問題点を聞き取り、指示内容を英語で伝達。 【必須条件】 ・ビジネスレベルの英語力 ・海外で施工管理業務の経験のある方(設備・建築) ・建設現場のローカルスタッフと良好にコミュニケーションが取れる方 【歓迎条件】 ・中長期的に働いていける方 ・インドでの就業経験 ・海外での就業経験

  • Field Service Engineer (Chiller)

    • SGD 3,500 - 5,000
    • シンガポール ウエスト
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    Our Client: Our client is one of the Japanese global leaders providing Fluid and Precision Machinery to the various industries. They are actively seeking for a Field Service Engineer (Chiller) to join their team in Singapore. The Responsibilities: • Schedule maintenance activities for chillers system, keeping track of maintenance works with follow up actions for chillers • Ensure all maintenance works are carried out according to prescribed checklist and schedule • Responsible for testing & commissioning/fine tuning of new chiller with minimal guidance, such as coordinate project execution at site, witness FAT and conduct SAT to ensure the chiller operating conditions according to target performance • Ability to interpret as-built documents, schematic drawings, technical documents as well as analyse operating data from chillers and know how to identify and repair any issues that arise • Responsible for on-site management of the chiller overhaul/repair works, and supervise subcontractor work; effectively control the service quality and progress • Preparation of service report for each service assignment • Assuage dissatisfied customers on service issues such as provide prompt and effective resolution to technical problems on chiller and recommend preventive measures • Preparation of risk assessments prior and ensure safety procedures and conduct during service or repairs • To ensure all works carried out safely and/or in accordance with safety procedures • Any other tasks, when required by Department Manager The Requirements: • Minimum ITE certificate with Merit or diploma in Mechanical Engineering with 3 years of relevant chiller experiences • Able to troubleshoot HVAC faults especially modular screw chillers, centrifugal chillers and absorption chillers • Good communication skills both verbal and written as well as preparing service reports • Good safety and WSH habits • Short term overseas assignments may be required RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 107047

  • 日用雑貨メーカー 生産技術/成形(部長) (番号141560)

    • CNY 20,000 - 25,000
    • 中国 広東
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    【職務詳細】 ■生産技術/成形 ■金型~骨組み~縫製~組み立て ■商品成型の一連の流れに携わって頂きます 【魅力】 ★寮、食堂無料です! 【必須条件】 ■大卒 ■英語は準ビジネスレベル ■製造業界の経験あり ■成型の経験あり ★40代~50代半ばの方が活躍中! ※キーワード:中国日系企業就職 中国勤務 リクルート中国就職支援 無料斡旋サービス 生産技術・成形管理職 ベビー用品・雑貨業界

  • Senior Scientist - Protein Analysis

    • SGD 5,000 - 6,800
    • シンガポール シティ
    • ヘルスケア業界(医療/診察/ライフサイエンス 他)

    Our Client: Our client is one of the top Pharmaceutical Research institutes, headquartered in Japan. Their Singapore office is looking for a Senior Scientist (Protein Analysis Division). The Responsibilities: • Lead the affinity screening assay of antibody during optimization phase using SPR analysis or BLI analysis • Plan and conduct antibody/ligand binding analysis • Plan and conduct biophysical analysis to evaluate physicochemistry properties of antibody • Novel protein analysis technology development • Developability and manufacturability assessment of antibody drug The Requirements: • Minimum PhD in Biomedical Science/ Biochemistry/ Chemical Biology/ Biotechnology/ Life Science/ Pharma Science • At least 1-2 years working experience in the relevant field • Strong passion in medical science of drug innovation • Prior experience in either Analysis of protein-protein interactions (SPR, BLI, ELISA)/ Column chromatography analysis (IE, SE, RP etc.)/ DLS, DSC, solubility test, stability test or LCMS analysis of proteins would be advantageous • Excellent communication skills with a team player mindset • Prior experience in antibody drug discovery would be advantageous RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 113285

  • Architectural Engineer

    • SGD 6,000 - 8,000
    • シンガポール シティ
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    Our Client: Our client is a Japanese Architecture Firm, involved in several projects stretching across education, factories, healthcare and residential. They are new to Singapore but have a track record of successful projects in Southeast Asia & Japan. They are looking for an Architectural Engineer to join their Singapore office. The Responsibilities: • As a project member, you will work with design and facility staff to carry out structural design and supervision • Carry out on-site to survey the condition of existing properties, and will also carry out seismic assessments and develop renovation plans • Review and resolve technical issues that arise The Requirements: • More than 5 years of practical experience in structural design; applicants with more than 10 years will be considered for a higher level role • Preferably possess an Architect qualification • Experience in both design work and design supervision in Data Centre projects • Ability to articulate technical knowledge and experience smoothly • Proactive in exploring new possibilities / technologies RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 107926

  • Project Manager

    • SGD 8,000 - 9,000
    • シンガポール シティ
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    Our Client: Our client is a Japanese Architecture Firm, involved in several projects stretching across education, factories, healthcare and residential. They are new to Singapore but have a track record of successful projects in Southeast Asia & Japan. They are looking for a Project Management Director to join their Singapore office. The Responsibilities: • Oversee projects for a wide range of purposes, including offices, production facilities, laboratories, data centers, commercial facilities, hotels, and redevelopment • Responsible for overall Project Management activities • Conduct technical reviews to ensure compliance • In addition to managing and supervising projects, you will also be responsible for training and guiding staff • Be responsible for any other duties that may be assigned from time to time The Requirements: • Managerial experience of over 5 members with strong people management skills • Experience in designing large properties and various purposes • Ability to use AutoCAD or Vectorworks • Possess a track record of designing and managing projects of Data Centres RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 107927

  • Project Management Director

    • SGD 10,000 - 13,000
    • シンガポール シティ
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    Our Client: Our client is a Japanese Architecture Firm, involved in several projects stretching across education, factories, healthcare and residential. They are new to Singapore but have a track record of successful projects in Southeast Asia & Japan. They are looking for a Project Management Director to join their Singapore office. The Responsibilities: • Oversee projects for a wide range of purposes, including offices, production facilities, laboratories, data centers, commercial facilities, hotels, and redevelopment • Responsible for overall Project Management activities • Conduct technical reviews to ensure compliance • In addition to managing and supervising projects, you will also be responsible for training and guiding staff • Be responsible for any other duties that may be assigned from time to time The Requirements: • Managerial experience of over 5 members with strong people management skills • Experience in designing large properties and various purposes • Ability to use AutoCAD or Vectorworks • Possess a track record of designing and managing projects of Data Centres RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 107928

  • Mechanical Design Engineer - Semiconductor

    • SGD 3,500 - 5,500
    • シンガポール イースト
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    Our Client: Our client is one of the top Japanese Contact Solutions companies in the Semiconductor industry. They are looking for a Mechanical Design Engineer – Semiconductor to join their Singapore office. The Responsibilities: • Interface with Design Engineering team for the release of new products (NPI) into Manufacturing • Involve in product Enhancement/CIP and evaluate the design for manufacturability and reliability by participating in design reviews and the assembly of the prototype units • Drive continuous improvement to minimize Cycle time/Quality issues. • Creating ECO (Engineering Change Orders), Structuring BOMs and creating test and assembly documentation as needed • Perform First Article qualifications for parts and obsolescence components. • Ability to do a detailed Failure analysis on Infant Mortality parts and come up with proposal and concepts to enhance performance. • Provide fly and fix support on field escalations for analysis/resolution on any issue requiring in-depth knowledge on the product. • Systematically analyse technical issues and Infant Mortality issues and come up with proposal and concepts to standardize. • Generate and Maintain process and equipment work instructions, drawings, and other production document to conform to specifications • Response to failure analysis and provide comprehensive analysis report to field support team or customers. Provide and implement the corrective action through systematic methods • Work with suppliers to resolve component/part quality problems and/or dispose of non-conformance items in a timely manner • Assist Quality and Purchasing departments in driving supplier quality improvements, cost reductions, and engineering support as required The Requirements: • Bachelor/ Master's in Mechanical / Mechatronics, preferably between 1 - 8 years of relevant work experience • Ability to develop test benches to diagnose electronics/noise issues that cause system level failure. • Good Understanding of the working principle of complex electro-mechanical assemblies on a high precision defect inspection equipment and how they relate to system performance. • Good Understanding of the Pneumatics, Computers, controls systems and sensors involved in Electro Mechanical stage/Robot • Knowledge on lean manufacturing and six sigma processes are desirable • In-depth understanding of electronics components involved in the design and development of optical-based, semiconductor inspection equipment or equivalent is a plus • Strong troubleshooting and analytical skills to support technical issues, set-up experiments, and perform data analysis RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 107587

  • 【語学力不問】機械メーカー 機械エンジニア (番号162827)

    • CNY 30,000 - 50,000
    • 中国 江蘇(蘇州・無錫など)
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    【職務詳細】 ■半導体ダイボンダー装置の構造設計方案を担当し、方案の検証と適応化を行う ■プロジェクトの設計審査と討論に参加し、設計案が要求に合致することを確保する ■詳細な機械構造設計を担当し、3 Dモデル、2 D工程図、BOM表、気道図などの生産資料を出力し、プロセスに従って保存する ■設備開発過程(加工、組立、調整など)で遭遇した技術問題を解決する ■外注生産単位とのコミュニケーションと製品品質管理 ■関連技術文書の作成、作業指導書の作成、関連特許の作成 ■会社が提出した臨時任務を完成する 【必須条件】 ■大卒以上 ■Solidworks、Creo、CADなどのソフトウェアを熟知し、CAEソフトウェアで応力分析能力あり ■ダイボンダー装置の経験者 ■5年以上製品設計経験、モジュール化設計の考え方あり、独立で機械全体の構造設計を完成し、半導体設備の開発経験あり ■半導体装置の開発過程における設計規範を熟知し、高精度運動部品に対して深い理解と相応の設計能力あり ■機械加工技術、板金技術を熟知し、よく使われる工事材料の特性を理解できる方 ★30代半ば~50代の方が活躍中!

  • 部品設計技術エンジニア

    • INR 208,000 - 250,000
    • インド グルガオン/グルグラム
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    【募集背景】 事業拡大のため、顧客対応強化のために以下のような業務を行っていただける方を募集しています! 【業務内容】 ・顧客設計部門からの部品関連の技術的な質問対応 (質問の受領、内容理解、社内への展開、コスト検討、社内見解まとめ等) ・日本本社設計部門及び、インド・日本営業部門との連携 【必須条件】 ・日常会話レベル以上の英語力をお持ちの方 ・自動車業界関連の設計技術経験 ・コミュニケーション力があり、各部署との連携ができる方 【歓迎条件】 ・インドでの就業経験 ・AutoCADなどの知識、スキルをお持ちの方

  • Assistant General Manager

    • SGD 15,000 - 18,000
    • シンガポール イースト
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    Our Client’s Service/ Product: Construction The Responsibilities: • Strategic Planning and Execution: Develop and implement construction strategies aligned with company goals. Set objectives for the construction department and ensure projects meet quality, budget, and schedule goals. Lead efforts in market expansion, securing new business, and maintaining relationships with key clients. • Project Oversight and Management: Oversee all phases of construction projects, from pre-construction planning to project completion. Ensure project adherence to timelines, budgets, and quality standards. Coordinate with project managers, site supervisors and contractors to streamline processes. • Financial Management: Prepare and manage budgets, forecasts, and financial reports for all construction projects. Monitor project costs, ensuring alignment with financial plans and addressing any overruns. Authorize expenditures and oversee procurement processes for materials and equipment. • Leadership and Team Development: Lead and mentor the construction team, including project managers, engineers, and other staff. Foster a positive, safety-oriented work environment and ensure proper training and development. Build a high-performance team culture focused on continuous improvement and excellence. • Compliance and Risk Management: Ensure all projects comply with regulations, including safety and environmental standards. Implement risk management practices to identify and mitigate project risks. Maintain up-to-date knowledge of construction laws, standards, and best practices. • Client and Stakeholder Relations: Serve as the primary point of contact for clients, investors, and stakeholders. Address any client concerns and ensure high satisfaction levels. Develop and maintain positive relationships with key industry contacts, including subcontractors, vendors, and regulatory agencies. • Continuous Improvement and Innovation: Identify and implement innovative construction techniques, materials, and technologies. Promote sustainable construction practices to improve efficiency and environmental impact. Analyze performance data to improve processes, reduce costs, and enhance overall productivity. The Requirements: - Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering or Construction Management - Minimum 20 years of experience in construction or a related industry. - Proven track record of business growth, leadership, and team management. - Strong understanding of the Singapore markets. - Excellent communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills. RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 113148

  • Quality Control Manager

    • SGD 4,000 - 5,000
    • シンガポール ノース
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    Our Client: Our client is an established Manufacturing company, headquartered in Japan. They are looking for an energetic individual who has QC management experience to join urgently for their role of a Quality Control Manager. The Responsibilities: • Supervises the Quality Control activities, including Quality Control inspection plan, schedules and the updating of Quality Records • Supervise inspections, reports and the documentation done by inspectors and collect and file the required Quality Records • Prepare/ Review Quality records to customers, if needed • Control of Customer’s drawings including updating of drawing revisions • Preparation of Quality checklist, inspection criteria • Manage inhouse and supplier’s quality • Evaluates the qualifications of inspection personnel • Plan and manage all internal/ external audits. • Administer and improve company’s ISO Quality System • Supervises equipment calibration management activities • Equipment Calibration Control & Drawing Control • Safety - Risk Assessment (Preparation & Review) • Act hoc tasks as per request The Requirements: • Diploma/GCE “O” Level or equivalent with 1-2 years SQE experience / relevant experience on usage of measurement instruments and experience in Quality Certification • Excellent use of Excel, Word, Power Point, Outlook, Acrobat and Windows • Experience with the First Article Process is highly advantageous • Blue print reading knowledge and manufacturing experience is a must • Knowledge of ISO 9001:2008 • Able to converse in Mandarin in order to communicate with native Mandarin speaking colleagues from the China office • Able to commence immediate or short notice will be an advantage RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 112629

  • 施工管理アシスタント ‐ 不動産建設

    • VND 69,000,000 - 80,500,000
    • ベトナム その他
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    【職務概要】 ・マンションやビル建設の現場管理全般 【職務内容】 ・大型のプロジェクトをアドバイザーの指示のもとサポートし  ローカルメンバーをまとめていきます。 ・開発案件の現場での作業と建設現場の管理 ・チームの業務、工程確認と指示 ・プロジェクト工程管理全般 ・安全管理及び品質管理 全般 【必須要件】 ・4年制大学(工学部建築科又土木科)卒業以上 ・英語ビジネスレベル ・ゼネコンでの経験(5-8年以上) ・海外での勤務経験(5年以上あれば尚良し) 【歓迎要件】 ・資格(あれば尚良し):一級建築士・一級施工管理技士 【求める人物像】 ・柔軟に物事に対応し解決できる方

  • 施工管理 ー 不動産建設

    • VND 92,000,000 - 115,000,000
    • ベトナム その他
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    【職務概要】 ・都市開発プロジェクトでのマンションやビル建設の現場管理全般 【職務内容】 ・開発案件の現場での作業と建設現場の管理 ・チームの業務、工程確認と指示 ・プロジェクト工程管理 ・安全管理及び品質管理 【必須要件】 ・4年制大学(工学部建築科又土木科)卒業以上 ・英語ビジネスレベル ・ゼネコンでの経験(10年以上) ・海外での勤務経験(10年以上あれば尚良し) 【歓迎要件】 ・資格(あれば尚良し):一級建築士・一級施工管理技士 【求める人物像】 ・柔軟に物事に対応し解決できる方

  • R&D(研究開発)マネージャー

    • INR 140,000 - 330,000
    • インド グルガオン/グルグラム
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    ■ポジション概要 グローバルにビジネスを展開するインド系電動二輪メーカーからR&D(研究開発)担当者の募集! ■募集背景 日本の開発のチームワーク等を学び、新しいテクノロジーを生み出したいという思いから新規募集を開始します。 <業務内容> ・社内研究者の研究プロジェクトを把握し、研究領域とそれを取り巻く社内外の様々な状況に関する調査・分析・評価の実施 ・研究戦略における、未来を見据えた重点領域の方向性調査、戦略立案・提言・報告 ・新技術・イノベーションのリサーチ・企画。 <必須条件> ・自動車メーカー若しくは、自動車部品メーカーで研究開発を担当されていた方 ・社会人経験10年以上 ・ビジネスレベルの英語力をお持ちの方 <歓迎条件> ・海外での就業経験をお持ちの方 ・YAMAHAやHONDA等の二輪メーカー出身者

  • 品質管理マネージャー

    • INR 140,000 - 200,000
    • インド グルガオン/グルグラム
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    ■ポジション概要 グローバルにビジネスを展開するインド系電動二輪メーカーからマーケティング担当者の募集! ■募集背景 現在製品数が増え、クオリティー管理を更に厳格にする必要がでてきたため、新規で募集をかけます。 <業務内容> ・品質管理業務及び、インド人社員の管理業務を行っていただきます。 ・インド人技術者に日本のモノづくりのノウハウを伝え、指導・管理をしていただきます。 ・意見の通る環境を用意させていただきます。 ・インド人のマネージングになりますが、難しい調整は本部より人員を送り、サポートさせていただきます。 <必須条件> ・自動車メーカー若しくは、自動車部品メーカーで品質管理を担当されていた方 ・社会人経験10年以上 ・ビジネスレベルの英語力をお持ちの方 <歓迎条件> ・海外での就業経験をお持ちの方 ・YAMAHAやHONDA等の二輪メーカー出身者 ・海外での新規立ち上げ経験

求人探しにお困りですか?現地をよく知る専門コンサルタントが日本語であなたをサポート。リクルートグループならではの海外就職トップクラスの豊富な求人からご紹介。初めての海外就職のわからないこと、何でもご相談を承ります!コンサルタントに相談する 無料