Business Consultant

  • SGD 7,000 - 12,000
  • シティ
  • サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)
語学力 英語レベル:ビジネス会話;日本語レベル:ビジネス会話;


Our Client:
Our client is a well-established Business Consultancy, headquartered in Japan. They are currently looking for a motivated Business Consultant to join their growing team in Singapore. Proficiency in Japanese language is essential to effectively communicate with Japanese Native Stakeholders and Customers

The Responsibilities:
•	Conduct research and competitive analysis (e.g., offerings, market positioning, customers, financial performance, etc.)
•	Evaluate potential opportunities for acquisitions, divestitures and strategic partnerships
•	Perform data analysis to drive insights and make recommendations (e.g., financial modelling, cost benefit analysis)
•	Develop go-to-market strategies to grow clients’ businesses; including preparation of business plans and presentation decks for board meetings
•	Conceptualize and build marketing, training and investment materials

•	市場調査・競合分析(サービス、顧客、財務など)
•	M&A、事業売却、戦略提携の機会評価
•	データ分析・提言(財務モデリング、費用対効果分析)
•	事業成長戦略策定(ビジネスプラン・取締役会資料作成)
•	マーケティング、研修、投資資料の企画・作成


The Requirements:
•	Proficiency in Japanese language is essential to effectively communicate with Japanese Native Stakeholders and Customers
•	Experience in a Consulting firm for 1-3 years
•	Results driven, hands-on and strong team player who works well in a diverse and dynamic environment
•	Excellent communication, interpersonal and leadership skills
•	Keen to get wide exposure across different services & industries
•	Self-starter, high energy and detail oriented; ability to work with minimal supervision
•	Ability to multitask and manage complex regional engagements

•	コンサルティング経験1~3年
•	結果志向・実務型・チームプレーヤー
•	優れたコミュニケーション・対人・リーダーシップ能力
•	多様な業務・業界に興味がある方
•	自主性・高エネルギー・細部への注意力
•	マルチタスク・地域横断プロジェクト管理能力
•	日本語ビジネスレベル(業務上必要なため)
•	英語ビジネスレベル(業務上必要なため)

RGF Privacy Policy –
Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at
JO Reference: 115200


プロセス 1. 応募には会員登録が必要です

2. 履歴書、職務経歴書をWeb上でアップロード
準備するもの 履歴書・職務経歴書があるとご案内がスムーズです。


  • Senior Accountant

    • SGD 7,000 - 9,000
    • シンガポール シティ
    • サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)

    ・日系クライアント向けに、会計税務コンサルティング業務(例:進出時、進出後、移転価格、M&A など含む) ・設立事務、記帳代行、給与計算等 ・各種申告書作成業務(法人税、GST、所得税など) ・長期のクライアントとの信頼関係構築 ・インドへの出向、出張 ※お強みやご経験によって、お任せする業務内容が変わってまいります。 ・大手会計事務所での実務経験が5年ほどある方 ・公認会計士もしくは USCPA をお持ちの方 ・会計事務所もしくは税理士事務所での実務経験をお持ちの方 ・チームワークを大切にできる方 ・日本語流暢(業務上必要なため) ・英語ビジネスレベル(業務上必要なため)

  • Corporate Lawyer

    • SGD 9,000 - 10,000
    • シンガポール シティ
    • サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)

    Our Client: Our client is one of the top Legal Firms headquartered in Japan. They are currently looking for an experienced Corporate Lawyer to join their growing team in Singapore. The Responsibilities: • Provide legal services and support to client • Prepare, review and advise on contracts and other legal matters, as required • Maintain compliance with laws and internal regulations • Monitor and keep abreast of any changes in the law and advise the Management on the impact of such on the business and operations, recommend strategies and solutions for compliance when necessary The Requirements: • Possess a lawyer qualification • Min 2-3 years of legal experience at law firm • Experience of corporate legal (regulation, compliance, contract review etc.) • Strong drafting, negotiation and communication skills. • Able to work independently as well as in a team. • Liaise with lawyers of various nationalities RGF Privacy Policy – Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at JO Reference: 115299

  • Manager / Senior Manager

    • SGD 12,000 - 16,000
    • シンガポール シティ
    • サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)

    ・クライアントとやり取りし、ニーズの把握とソリューションの提供 ・プロジェクトのスケジュール、予算、品質を管理し、プロジェクトチームを統率 ・チームマネージメント ・新規ビジネスチャンスの発掘、提案書作成支援 ・ 会社の戦略への貢献、トレンドやデータの分析 ・プロジェクトの財務管理 ・上長への報告 ・コンサルティングファームでの関連経験5年以上 ・マネージャー経験のある方 ・必要に応じて海外出張が可能な方 ・的確な判断力、問題解決能力、分析能力をお持ちの方 ・英語ビジネスレベル(業務上必要のため)

  • Senior Consultant, Regional PMO (ISO20022)

    • SGD 6,500 - 10,500
    • シンガポール シティ
    • サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)

    ・銀行内の重要プロジェクトの戦略的指導 ・プロジェクト管理プロセスの開発・導入・運用 ・プロジェクトポートフォリオの管理とKPI達成推進 ・東京拠点とAPAC拠点間の調整、連携 ・リスク管理および問題解決のサポート ・プロジェクト計画や報告書の作成・管理 ・会議等の運営とプロセス改善 【必須条件】  ・学士号以上 ・PMOでの実務経験3年以上(リスク・問題管理) ・コンサルティングファームでの勤務経験 ・複数プロジェクトや拠点の同時管理経験 ・英語ビジネスレベル(業務上必要なため) ・日本語ビジネスレベル(業務上必要なため) 【尚可】 ・JIRA、Confluence、GigaCCの使用経験

  • Manager, Insurance Consulting (Southeast Asia) - Japanese Market

    • SGD 10,000 - 14,000
    • シンガポール シティ
    • インターネット業界(IT/ソフトウェア/ハードウェア/モバイル/通信 他)

    Our Client: Our client is a prominent Japanese IT consulting company. They are currently looking for a Manager, Insurance Consulting (Southeast Asia) to join their growing team in Singapore. Proficiency in Japanese language is essential to effectively communicate with Japanese Native Stakeholders and Customers The Responsibilities: • Develop and pursue new business prospects within the insurance industry, focusing on expanding the company's market presence. • Working closely with Division Head and Leaders to build and nurture relationships with both Japanese and non-Japanese clients. • Generate leads and manage the proposal process to drive business development. • Oversee and deliver business and IT consulting projects within the insurance industry, ensuring successful execution and client satisfaction. • Establish and enhance market research structures, methodologies, and assets. Continuously improve research capabilities and ensure high-quality delivery in research projects. • Attend overseas business trips as necessary. The Requirements: • Proficiency in Japanese language is essential to effectively communicate with Japanese Native Stakeholders and Customers • Minimum Bachelor’s degree in any discipline. • Minimum of 7 years of professional consulting experience, ideally with Big 4 firms or other professional consulting organizations. • Must possess expertise in managing the full lifecycle of consulting projects, particularly focus on the Insurance consulting domain. • Experience managing projects in a managerial role. • Established network and strong connections within the insurance industry. • Proven track record of successful project consulting within the insurance sector. • Ability to present and negotiate effectively with clients and stakeholders. • Self-motivated, strong analytical and problem-solving skills RGF Privacy Policy – Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at JO Reference: 114856

求人探しにお困りですか?現地をよく知る専門コンサルタントが日本語であなたをサポート。リクルートグループならではの海外就職トップクラスの豊富な求人からご紹介。初めての海外就職のわからないこと、何でもご相談を承ります!コンサルタントに相談する 無料



Business Consultant

求人ID:SDG-115200 応募方法を確認する