Service Technician

  • SGD 3,500 - 4,500
  • ウエスト
  • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)
語学力 英語レベル:ビジネス会話;日本語レベル:ビジネス会話;




・日本語 ビジネスレベル(業務上必要なため)
・英語 ビジネスレベル(業務上必要なため)

RGF Privacy Policy –
Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at


プロセス 1. 応募には会員登録が必要です

2. 履歴書、職務経歴書をWeb上でアップロード
準備するもの 履歴書・職務経歴書があるとご案内がスムーズです。


  • Sales Executive/ Manager (Japan market, Electronics)

    • SGD 6,000 - 8,000
    • シンガポール ウエスト
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    Our Client: Our client is a renowned Japanese electronics company. They are currently looking for an experienced Sales Executive/ Sales Manager to join their growing team in Singapore. Proficiency in Japanese language is essential to effectively communicate with Japanese Native Stakeholders and Customers. The Responsibilities: • Maintain and strengthen relationships with existing clients, ensuring customer satisfaction and long-term relationships • Conduct market research to understand industry trends and customer need • Create and present sales proposals to potential clients • Work closely with internal teams and HQ to ensure smooth delivery of products • Achieve and exceed sales targets and KPIs The Requirements: • At least 5 years of experience in sales in relevant fields such as electric components and electronics • Strong communication skills and negotiation skills • Ability to work independently and in a team-oriented environment • Proficiency in Japanese and Mandarin languages are required to liaise with native Japanese and Mandarin speaking Stakeholders and Customers from Japan and China RGF Privacy Policy – Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at JO Reference: 117705

  • IT Pre-Sales Executive

    • SGD 4,000 - 7,000
    • シンガポール シティ
    • インターネット業界(IT/ソフトウェア/ハードウェア/モバイル/通信 他)

    Our Client: Our client is an established Japanese company, specialising in IT Infrastructure services. They are currently looking for an experience IT Pre-sales Executive to join their growing team in Singapore. Proficiency in Japanese language is preferred to effectively communicate with Japanese Native Stakeholders and Customers. The Responsibilities: • Collaborate with engineers to understand client requirements and propose the best solutions • Prepare proposals and quotations • Conduct technical explanations and demonstrations during client meetings • Communicate with suppliers and vendors to procure and manage necessary equipment, software and services • Handle inquires related to quotations and invoices • Ensure accurate documentation and management of financial records ・エンジニアと連携し、顧客要件に合わせた最適な提案 ・提案書・見積書の作成 ・顧客への技術説明・デモンストレーション実施 ・サプライヤー・ベンダーとの調整および機器・ソフト・サービスの調達管理 ・見積・請求に関する問い合わせ対応 ・財務記録の正確な管理・書類作成 The Requirements: • Bachelor degree in Computer Science or any equivalent practical experience • At least 5 years of experience in the IT industry • Self-motivated with great communication and interpersonal skills • Proficiency in Japanese language is preferred to effectively communicate with Japanese Native Stakeholders and Customers ・コンピューターサイエンス関連の学位または同等の実務経験 ・IT業界での経験5年以上 ・自主性があり、優れたコミュニケーション・対人スキル ・日本語ビジネスレベル(業務上必要なため) ・英語流暢(業務上必要なため) RGF Privacy Policy – Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at JO Reference: 116854

  • Sales Executive

    • SGD 5,000 - 6,000
    • シンガポール ウエスト
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    ・新規顧客の開拓 ・既存顧客との良好な関係の維持 ・市場およびビジネスニーズの予測 ・営業計画戦略 ・日本の本社と連携し、技術提案書作成(日本語から英語への翻訳) ・5年以上の半導体業界での営業経験をお持ちの方 ・Microsoft Officeスキルに長けた方 ・頻繁な近隣諸国への出張が可能な方 ・日本語ビジネスレベル(業務上必要なため) ・英語流暢(業務上必要なため) RGF Privacy Policy – Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at

  • Technician cum Driver - Valves

    • SGD 2,200 - 2,800
    • シンガポール ウエスト
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    Our Client: Our client is one of the top global Japanese companies. They manufacture, supply and provide maintenance for a wide variety of valves and cast products. They are looking for a Technician cum Driver - Valves to join their Singapore Office. The Responsibilities: • Servicing of valves, actuators etc. on vessels / power plants • Coordinate of on-site works • Transport workers, collection and delivery tools/repairing items • Prepare quotations, service reports and other maintenance reports • Other ad-hoc duties as assigned The Requirements: • NITEC/ ITC, Technical certificate or equivalent in Mechanical Engineering • Basic PC knowledge is an advantage • Able to use simple technology (eg. Whatssapp, Smartphone photos) • Willing to work overtime, weekend holiday or overseas if required • Possess Class 3 Driving license RGF Privacy Policy – Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at JO Reference: 106610

  • Service & Sales Engineer – Valves

    • SGD 2,500 - 3,000
    • シンガポール ウエスト
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    Our Client: Our client is one of the top global Japanese companies. They manufacture, supply and provide maintenance for a wide variety of valves and cast products. They are looking for a Service & Sales Engineer – Valves to join their Singapore Office. The Responsibilities: • Servicing of valves, actuators etc. on vessels / power plants • Coordinate of on-site works • Transport workers, collection and delivery tools/repairing items • Prepare quotations, service reports and other maintenance reports • Other ad-hoc duties as assigned The Requirements: • ITE, Diploma or Degree in Engineering/ Mechanical/ Chemical or equivalent • At least 2 to 3 years of experience Mechanical/ Engineering/ Chemical, preferred in Oil & Gas, Chemical/ Petrochemical/ Shipyard industries • Able to work independently, liaise with clients promptly • Ability to multi-task and managed priorities / expectations • Willing to work overtime, weekend holiday or overseas if required • Possess Class 3 Driving license RGF Privacy Policy – Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at JO Reference: 106611

求人探しにお困りですか?現地をよく知る専門コンサルタントが日本語であなたをサポート。リクルートグループならではの海外就職トップクラスの豊富な求人からご紹介。初めての海外就職のわからないこと、何でもご相談を承ります!コンサルタントに相談する 無料



Service Technician

求人ID:SDG-105703 応募方法を確認する