
【Closed】Japanese Interpreter - Centre (Contract 8 months)


Japanese Interpreter - Centre (Contract 8 months)


อุตสาหกรรม (รถยนต์ / เคมี / อิเล็กทรอนิกส์ / โลหะ)

การปฏิบัติการธุรกิจ (เลขานุการ / ผู้ช่วย / ล่าม)

THB30,000 - 70,000


ไทย ระยอง



Job Detail

<Number of employees : Total: 51 Local: 49 Japanese: 2 Foreigner: >
<Report Line: JP MD >
<Team Member: 1 person>
<Number of Subordinates: None>

<Products: Petrochemicals >
<Clients: Manufacturing >
<Saturday Working: None >

<Position Objective/Expectation >
- Mainly support Interpreting function in both production and office.

<Job Responsibilities>
・Mainly support Interpreting function in both production and office.
・Be interpreter in general meeting & conference meeting around 50% (in this covid situation will conference by online) and be interpreter on side 50%
・Translate document between Thai-Japanese and Japanese-Thai including
・Take care Japanese clients when they visit factory.
・Support production and office work.
・Other tasks as assigned.

<Necessary Skill / Experience >
・Bachelor degree in Japanese or related.
・Welcome fresh graduate
・Have experience translating in production and office.
・Strong in production and office vocabulary.
・Service minded & Communication skill.
・Conversation high level of Japanese with JLPT certified level N3-N2
・Advance conversational low level in English.

・At least 3 years experience as in interpreter in manufacturing.



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