☆外資系(タイ資本)の自動車部品最大手グループ企業にて、営業マネージャーを募集!☆ JO-6692 ◆タイ語不問!(通訳を通してコミュニケーションが可能) ◆大手自動車メーカを取引先に持つタイ大手企業にてマネジメントを行うことができます! 【職務概要】 ・Provide strategy plan and action plan of own department and accordance with Company policy and strategy plan also control to implement for the effective. • Control and follow up on system and sales data base establishment as well as annual sale forecast and sale forecast of next 3 years of current customer to be more effective. • Control and follow up on operation and analysis of competition in industries such as Market Share by Product , market analysis for SWOT of competitor, analysis of changing trend of Automotive market and Non-Auto market. • Plan and define procedure of sale and marketing activities to extend customer number and market. • Control and follow up the plan and define procedure of all marketing activities to maintain current customer and increase market ratio. • Control and follow up the product price increasing which is vary according to raw material cost and exchange rate to be in time or changing. • Management and follow up on satisfaction building to customer. • Follow up the information of the direction analysis and trend of raw material price to manage on cost and risk management in advance properly.
【応募条件】 <必須> ・自動車部品業界にてマーケティング、営業、企画などの経験が10年程度あること ・セールスマネジメントやチームを率いた経験 ・英語日常会話レベル以上 <尚可> ・IATF 16949、TPS System、Lean Managementの知識 【給与】 100,000THB - 200,000THB ※経験や能力次第で相談可能