New Product Development Staff (Sample Product) - Textile
New Product Development Staff (Sample Product) - Textile
Giao tiếp kinh doanh
Ngành Sản Xuất (Ô tô/ Hóa chất/ Điện gia dụng/ Kim loại/ Nhà máy, v.v.)
Sản xuất / Quản lý chất lượng / Thiết kế / Quản lý sản xuất / Nghiên cứu và phát triển (R&D)
Giao tiếp kinh doanh
Job Detail
<Job Responsibilities>
1. Confirm the content on the SDT system file, MD sheet, and on the detailed file
2. Order fabric and raw materials
3. Correspond goods and monitor progress
4. Support Partner in ordering raw materials and correspond sewing goods, color comparison and monitoring goods
5. Prepare physical objects and samples for Kaken testing
6. Correspond at the factory site
7. Support the production line team and prepare documents for PPM meeting (pre-production meeting)
<Necessary Skill / Experience >
・Education: Bachelor's Degree or above
・Language: English OR Japanese - Business Level
・Experience: No required
- Requires a high sense of responsibility for work and the ability to respond quickly.