M&E Engineer - Kỹ Sư M&E - Construction
M&E Engineer - Kỹ Sư M&E - Construction
Giao tiếp kinh doanh
Ngành Sản Xuất (Ô tô/ Hóa chất/ Điện gia dụng/ Kim loại/ Nhà máy, v.v.)
Sản xuất / Quản lý chất lượng / Thiết kế / Quản lý sản xuất / Nghiên cứu và phát triển (R&D)
VND19,000,000 - 25,000,000
Việt Nam Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Job Detail
<Job Responsibilities>
- Join Toolbox meeting and related Minutes of Meetings if any
- Review Q&A, Request for Information from subcontractor
- Review Method of statement, Material submission, Shop Drawing, of subcontractor based on standard, specifications.
- Carry out Incoming material inspection as approved.
- Supervise and monitor M&E site installation including safety issue of subcontractor to ensure safety, quality, schedule
- Co-ordinate with related parties such as Civil, Consultant, Client, Local Authority, to proceed site work smoothly
- Assist for executing temporary work in M&E portion
- Execute the site inspections, Testing and Commissioning, Hand-over work in related projects in M&E portion
- Assess Work-done of subcontractor for payment
- Carry out maintenance work in Defect Liability Period (DLP) stage if necessary
<Necessary Skill / Experience >
・Education: Bachelor's degree/ College Diploma
・Language: English - Business Level
+ 5 years' experience in as an M&E Engineer
+ Well understand the regulations related to quality management the construction works.
+ Willing to work under high pressure at site.
<Preferable Skill / Experience>
・Additional license or certification
・Good skill of using Offices, especially Excel
・Positive attitude, responsible and hard-working