indonesia - jakarta
IDR15,000,000 - 30,000,000
Job Number
English Level:Business Level;Japanese Level:None;
Job Category
Manufacturing & Engineering/ R&D
Posted 2024/08/21

Job Description

- Calculate material requirements from the Bill of Quantity (BQ) to the Management Project (MP)
- Prepare project progress reports for presentation to the Board of Directors (BOD) by the Project Manager (PM)
- Coordinate costs with other departments, such as Procurement, Project Management (PM), and Project Control
- Receive estimation requests from the Marketing department
- Perform other related tasks as assigned


- Menghitung kebutuhan material dari Bill of Quantity (BQ) ke Management Project (MP)
- Menyiapkan laporan kemajuan proyek untuk dipresentasikan kepada Board of Directors (BOD) oleh Project Manager (PM)
- Mengkoordinasikan biaya dengan departemen lain, seperti Procurement, Project Management (PM), dan Project Control
- Menerima permintaan estimasi dari departemen Pemasaran
- Melaksanakan tugas-tugas terkait lainnya yang diberikan

Job Requirement

- Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Management, or a related field
- Proficiency in business English
- 15-20 years of working experience in Japanese construction companies


- Gelar sarjana di bidang Teknik Sipil, Manajemen Konstruksi, atau bidang terkait
- Kemahiran dalam bahasa Inggris pada tingkat bisnis
- Pengalaman kerja 15-20 tahun di perusahaan konstruksi Jepang
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